Sabtu, 08 Maret 2008
Jumat, 18 Januari 2008
Background friendster dapat diubah
Background friendster dapat diubah
ngan gambar yang sobat diinginkan agar terlihat lebih menarik. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk merubah background tersebut.
1. Masuk ke Edit Profile > Customize pada kolom isian Customize CSS klik Customize with CSS editor maka akan terbuka halaman baru bernama Friendster Profile Editor.
2. Klik menu background images kemudian klik Browse... file image yang akan dijadikan background dan klik Upload maka akan terbuka halaman baru lagi bernama ImageShack.
3. Terdapat banyak jenis URL dimana ini merupakan URL hasil peng-upload-an image yang telah dilakukan.
4. Lihat kotak URL paling bawah yang bertuliskan Direct link to image.
5. Klik kanan dalam kotak tersebut kemudian Copy.
6. Kembali ke halaman Friendster Profile Editor dan klik menu profile editor.
7. Paste hasil copy tadi kedalam kotak Image URL yang disediakan.
8. Pada kolom setting imagenya atur sesuai keinginan kamu tapi saran saya :
Image Repeat pilih No Repeat
Image Position pilih Center Center
Image Scroll? pilih Fixed
9. Klik Generate Friendster Code pada bagian paling bawah kemudian klik Preview Code untuk melihat hasilnya apakah sudah sesuai yang diinginkan atau belum.
10. Setelah itu Copy teks yang diblok atau dihighlight seperti pada gambar dibawah :
11. Kembali ke halaman Customize di friendster kamu. Paste hasil copy tadi ke bagian seperti
12. Klik tombol Save kemudian klik View your profile now.
13. Jika masih belum keluar imagenya tekan Refresh pada browser atau tekan F5 pada keybord atau logout dari friendster lalu log in kembali ke frienster.
ngan gambar yang sobat diinginkan agar terlihat lebih menarik. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk merubah background tersebut.
1. Masuk ke Edit Profile > Customize pada kolom isian Customize CSS klik Customize with CSS editor maka akan terbuka halaman baru bernama Friendster Profile Editor.
2. Klik menu background images kemudian klik Browse... file image yang akan dijadikan background dan klik Upload maka akan terbuka halaman baru lagi bernama ImageShack.
3. Terdapat banyak jenis URL dimana ini merupakan URL hasil peng-upload-an image yang telah dilakukan.
4. Lihat kotak URL paling bawah yang bertuliskan Direct link to image.
5. Klik kanan dalam kotak tersebut kemudian Copy.
6. Kembali ke halaman Friendster Profile Editor dan klik menu profile editor.
7. Paste hasil copy tadi kedalam kotak Image URL yang disediakan.
8. Pada kolom setting imagenya atur sesuai keinginan kamu tapi saran saya :
Image Repeat pilih No Repeat
Image Position pilih Center Center
Image Scroll? pilih Fixed
9. Klik Generate Friendster Code pada bagian paling bawah kemudian klik Preview Code untuk melihat hasilnya apakah sudah sesuai yang diinginkan atau belum.
10. Setelah itu Copy teks yang diblok atau dihighlight seperti pada gambar dibawah :
11. Kembali ke halaman Customize di friendster kamu. Paste hasil copy tadi ke bagian seperti
12. Klik tombol Save kemudian klik View your profile now.
13. Jika masih belum keluar imagenya tekan Refresh pada browser atau tekan F5 pada keybord atau logout dari friendster lalu log in kembali ke frienster.
tips ganti background
Background friendster dapat diubah dengan gambar yang sobat diinginkan agar terlihat lebih menarik. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk merubah background tersebut.
1. Masuk ke Edit Profile > Customize pada kolom isian Customize CSS klik Customize with CSS editor maka akan terbuka halaman baru bernama Friendster Profile Editor.
2. Klik menu background images kemudian klik Browse... file image yang akan dijadikan background dan klik Upload maka akan terbuka halaman baru lagi bernama ImageShack.
3. Terdapat banyak jenis URL dimana ini merupakan URL hasil peng-upload-an image yang telah dilakukan.
4. Lihat kotak URL paling bawah yang bertuliskan Direct link to image.
5. Klik kanan dalam kotak tersebut kemudian Copy.
6. Kembali ke halaman Friendster Profile Editor dan klik menu profile editor.
7. Paste hasil copy tadi kedalam kotak Image URL yang disediakan.
8. Pada kolom setting imagenya atur sesuai keinginan kamu tapi saran saya :
1. Masuk ke Edit Profile > Customize pada kolom isian Customize CSS klik Customize with CSS editor maka akan terbuka halaman baru bernama Friendster Profile Editor.
2. Klik menu background images kemudian klik Browse... file image yang akan dijadikan background dan klik Upload maka akan terbuka halaman baru lagi bernama ImageShack.
3. Terdapat banyak jenis URL dimana ini merupakan URL hasil peng-upload-an image yang telah dilakukan.
4. Lihat kotak URL paling bawah yang bertuliskan Direct link to image.
5. Klik kanan dalam kotak tersebut kemudian Copy.
6. Kembali ke halaman Friendster Profile Editor dan klik menu profile editor.
7. Paste hasil copy tadi kedalam kotak Image URL yang disediakan.
8. Pada kolom setting imagenya atur sesuai keinginan kamu tapi saran saya :
* Image Repeat pilih No Repeat
* Image Position pilih Center Center
* Image Scroll? pilih Fixed
Kamis, 17 Januari 2008
my Yahoo e-mail account
I am not always alert Friendster (controls, pwd issues, communications friend, newsletter, etc.) in my Yahoo e-mail account.
If you have not received further confirmation of our Friendster or other alerts in your personal account Yahoo E-mail:
You can be blocked Friendster communications without him noticed.
To check and see if the messages are locked Friendster in your Yahoo:
1 Connect to your Yahoo! E-mail account
2nd Click on the Options link
3rd Click on the link to the address block
Select the 4th email / @ mail.friendster / (with something with @)
5th Click Remove the block
6 You will receive your confirmation code, password, etc.
NOTE: If you are still unable to obtain your Friendster alerts, proceed as follows:
1 Connect to your Yahoo! E-mail account
2nd Click on the Options link
Click on the 3rd anti-spam, next
Under the 4th "spam filter", enable the "Save these messages in folders in bulk" and choose "1 month" in the drop-down menu
Under the 5th + Mark spam "No spam", the words "If I get a message in the folder in bulk as non-spam", check the option "Move the message in my inbox" checkbox
6 Click the "Save Changes" at the bottom of page
7 You will receive your confirmation code, password, etc.
8 Log into your Yahoo! E-mail account
9 Make your case for the bulk of the message that you send Friendster
10 Open the message and click on "non-spam" Button> This sends the message to your Inbox, and you should now be able to receive alerts Friendster
If you have not received further confirmation of our Friendster or other alerts in your personal account Yahoo E-mail:
You can be blocked Friendster communications without him noticed.
To check and see if the messages are locked Friendster in your Yahoo:
1 Connect to your Yahoo! E-mail account
2nd Click on the Options link
3rd Click on the link to the address block
Select the 4th email / @ mail.friendster / (with something with @)
5th Click Remove the block
6 You will receive your confirmation code, password, etc.
NOTE: If you are still unable to obtain your Friendster alerts, proceed as follows:
1 Connect to your Yahoo! E-mail account
2nd Click on the Options link
Click on the 3rd anti-spam, next
Under the 4th "spam filter", enable the "Save these messages in folders in bulk" and choose "1 month" in the drop-down menu
Under the 5th + Mark spam "No spam", the words "If I get a message in the folder in bulk as non-spam", check the option "Move the message in my inbox" checkbox
6 Click the "Save Changes" at the bottom of page
7 You will receive your confirmation code, password, etc.
8 Log into your Yahoo! E-mail account
9 Make your case for the bulk of the message that you send Friendster
10 Open the message and click on "non-spam" Button> This sends the message to your Inbox, and you should now be able to receive alerts Friendster
How can I change an existing photo
How can I change an existing photo (title)?
To modify an existing photo title (title): click the "profile" at the top of any page Friendster> Click amend Photos> Click on the photo with the title (header) you want to edit> overlooking La photo and click on the words in your existing title> change the title> click "Save" button on the right side of the title page of the new edited.
Info: Friendster only a major update of its photo of the product. To facilitate the increase in the limit of photos between 50 and 100, it was necessary to provide users a more efficient method of sending, management and display photos. Friendster now, users can edit photos directly from the picture detail page, also known as "slide show". Users can choose the photo as their main image, its label change / title, share them with friends or family, or erase them. All features of this day is to continue to support the new design, now, his transfer easier for public and private markets, as well as photographs of pictures of your friends
To modify an existing photo title (title): click the "profile" at the top of any page Friendster> Click amend Photos> Click on the photo with the title (header) you want to edit> overlooking La photo and click on the words in your existing title> change the title> click "Save" button on the right side of the title page of the new edited.
Info: Friendster only a major update of its photo of the product. To facilitate the increase in the limit of photos between 50 and 100, it was necessary to provide users a more efficient method of sending, management and display photos. Friendster now, users can edit photos directly from the picture detail page, also known as "slide show". Users can choose the photo as their main image, its label change / title, share them with friends or family, or erase them. All features of this day is to continue to support the new design, now, his transfer easier for public and private markets, as well as photographs of pictures of your friends
account settings
The latter is determined by your account settings, a parameter under the name "Who can fully my profile." The parameters are as follows:
My friends (also known as the 1st degree friends) - It is the people that you have been added, as friends to your profile directly Friendster. The selection of this parameter means that these people will not see your profile. Other members, only a mini-profile (very limited). Non-members found that during the search is also limited information.
Two degrees (friends of friends) - These are the friends of man you as a 1st tier friends (but not directly with you). Selecting this setting means that your friends and your friends to see your profile. Other members, only a mini-profile (very limited). Non-members found that during the search is also limited information.
No matter - It's exactly what it says. Who's online than in your profile you will find all of your profile. This means that people who have not yet been registered, with registration on Friendster Friendster or could be made to your profile. To use communication as Friendster messaging functions, registration or Log-in is required
My friends (also known as the 1st degree friends) - It is the people that you have been added, as friends to your profile directly Friendster. The selection of this parameter means that these people will not see your profile. Other members, only a mini-profile (very limited). Non-members found that during the search is also limited information.
Two degrees (friends of friends) - These are the friends of man you as a 1st tier friends (but not directly with you). Selecting this setting means that your friends and your friends to see your profile. Other members, only a mini-profile (very limited). Non-members found that during the search is also limited information.
No matter - It's exactly what it says. Who's online than in your profile you will find all of your profile. This means that people who have not yet been registered, with registration on Friendster Friendster or could be made to your profile. To use communication as Friendster messaging functions, registration or Log-in is required
customize your Friendster profile
There are several options to customize your Friendster profile:
First, you can use the HTML code for the "About Me" and "Who I Want To Meet-headings to your profile (go to your profile), and click" Edit Profile "to apply the change). Keep Keeping in mind that the "About Me" and "Who I Want To Meet" sections are limited to 1000 characters, including HTML tags, make sure you have enough space for all of your tags (For a tag measuring closed up, you can code on your site).
Second, you can use multimedia files on your profile, including movies, music and photos. To do this, click on your profile tab> go to "Edit Profile" and select "Customize." Rendezvous on the button "Add video and audio files to your profile" area and drop in (EMBED, or OBJECT IMG SRC). Regardless of what you type is recorded in the "Now Playing" in your profile.
Finally, you can also CSS code in your profile. To do this, click on your profile tab> go to "Edit Profile" and select "Customize." Enter your custom CSS code in the "Advanced User" in the area. Remember that the modification of the standard CSS is your profile on the skin "No Skin / AJAX," what do you do if changes is that the game of colors. When you go to a later date, select another skin "beginner: Choose a Friendster skin" IT WILL CLEAR HIS CSS CODE OF ADVANCED USERS WINDOW make the new skin.
Are you dissatisfied with your changes? "Undo" (bottom of page), your profile and chaanges back to the original appearance of Friendster.
NOTE: If you do not see your custom profile after your changes, please go to the "Preferences" page (top right of each page) and make sure your Safe Mode is the parameter on "NO" . If you are still unable to your profile and your safe mode on recruitment 'no' be sure your skin is set to: "No Skin / AJAX, .. If this is not the case, click "No Skin / Custom CSS" Top "and then on" Save. " You should now see your individual profile
First, you can use the HTML code for the "About Me" and "Who I Want To Meet-headings to your profile (go to your profile), and click" Edit Profile "to apply the change). Keep Keeping in mind that the "About Me" and "Who I Want To Meet" sections are limited to 1000 characters, including HTML tags, make sure you have enough space for all of your tags (For a tag measuring closed up, you can code on your site).
Second, you can use multimedia files on your profile, including movies, music and photos. To do this, click on your profile tab> go to "Edit Profile" and select "Customize." Rendezvous on the button "Add video and audio files to your profile" area and drop in (EMBED, or OBJECT IMG SRC). Regardless of what you type is recorded in the "Now Playing" in your profile.
Finally, you can also CSS code in your profile. To do this, click on your profile tab> go to "Edit Profile" and select "Customize." Enter your custom CSS code in the "Advanced User" in the area. Remember that the modification of the standard CSS is your profile on the skin "No Skin / AJAX," what do you do if changes is that the game of colors. When you go to a later date, select another skin "beginner: Choose a Friendster skin" IT WILL CLEAR HIS CSS CODE OF ADVANCED USERS WINDOW make the new skin.
Are you dissatisfied with your changes? "Undo" (bottom of page), your profile and chaanges back to the original appearance of Friendster.
NOTE: If you do not see your custom profile after your changes, please go to the "Preferences" page (top right of each page) and make sure your Safe Mode is the parameter on "NO" . If you are still unable to your profile and your safe mode on recruitment 'no' be sure your skin is set to: "No Skin / AJAX, .. If this is not the case, click "No Skin / Custom CSS" Top "and then on" Save. " You should now see your individual profile
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